$5000 goal $1040 received $3960 to go 122724

If you know Kara and Jason Conner you know they are the type of people you want to have in your corner when things get tough. Now is the time they need family and friends to be there for them.

Kara is calling for your action with her explanation below:


“Wednesday(November 27th, 2024) I was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer, which has metastasized to the liver and possibly my stomach and some lymph nodes as well. It is treatable, but terminal. We’ll have a better idea of what the course of treatment will be next week when I meet with my new oncology team. We’ll do whatever needs to be done, for as long as it makes sense to continue.

Physically, I am just very, very sick and in a significant amount of pain, all the time. Emotionally, I’m handling the news pretty well, considering. Please pray for me as I prepare for what lies ahead regarding treatment. And please pray for my family, as they digest this awful news and help me navigate these rough waters.”

Kara has a dream of going to Disney World, Grand Canyon or to the beach. With all of the uncertainty ahead, the one thing I know is Kara and Jason are blessed with great people around them.

A goal of $5000 has been set to help Kara and Jason get away on a Dream trip to celebrate life and love.

Venmo-@speyton Call or Text Stephen Peyton with any questions. 901-605-1924