a few LionLux Facility Solutions satisfied clients…
Nike Inc. (Memphis Operations)
CEVA Logistics
XPO Logistics
St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School
Creative Co-Op
Bornblum Jewish Community School
Prostar /Visible Logistics
BoundTree / Sarnova, Inc.
Jackson Energy Authority
Johnson Controls
Edwards Steel
Harcros Chemical
Juice Plus
William Sonoma
Delta Hospital
Methodist Healthcare
Superlo Foods (8 locations)
Shelby County Corrections
South Woods Baptist Church
Graceland Rehab and Nursing Center
Sycamore View Church of Christ
Church of the Nativity
Memphis Jewish Home
Christian Brothers University
First Assembly Christian School
Independent Presbyterian Church
Pristex Medical
LionLux is one of the few 5 Star TVA preferred partners in our region.
LionLux will partner with SparkFund Technology, should creative financing be needed. SparkFund subscription model is an additional option for procuring energy efficient equipment that allows you to pay one monthly expense, with no upfront capital, deductible as OpEx, with no balance sheet impact and a complete transfer of risk. With a no risk guarantee, which means if the lights go out, we come fix them and you don’t resume payment until they’re fixed. LionLux and SparkFund are working diligently to fundamentally change and radically simplify how energy efficient technology is procured. This is how large organizations are procuring not just lights, but HVAC improvements, battery storage and solar – because the math is just better this way.www.sparkfund.com
LionLux, also, works with Pathway Lending to help businesses, schools, churches and other commercial facilities secure low interest financing for many types of efficiency projects.